Tip #4 for Running a Successful Southern Business
Previously, we offered a combination of two tips for running a successful business in the south. As we mentioned before, there is no perfect time to act. Always seek to have a goal of action everyday for your company. Southerners are typically brewing with hospitality, so make the most of it. Get out to different meetings, volunteer, and build relationships. Likewise, cut those unnecessary actions that are draining your progress. It's okay to make a mistake, but don't keep making the same mistakes. Always look for ways to drive efficiency within your business environment. With that said, let's review our final tip in this series:
Tip #4
Be Strategic. Don’t try to be the next Facebook.
It's okay to take on a challenge from time to time, but always be aware of your current limitations in business (as well as your capabilities). Flash-in-the-pan companies that make millions within their first three years simply is not the norm, even if you believe your ambition will get you there. However, your chances for success in an under-saturated, high-potential market like the south increases your chances for financial success.
Californians must earn over $200,000 per year to be in the top 10 percent of earners. That same rank may be achieved in the south by making only $100,000 annually. Even below that benchmark is worth a solid, down-home living.
Nothing worthwhile is achieved without settling in
and putting in some serious time.
Fortunately, the southern business atmosphere is nowhere near as cutthroat as it is in larger startup cities. The south has more cooperative approaches to business success. We see that as a correlation played out commonly in the south; when local companies grow successfully, their communities prosper also. It's the shared success within the community that makes growing a successful business in the south more realistic and worthwhile. Be strategic, and start something that your are passionate and knowledgeable about, that others can get behind and support you.
This ends our series of tips on this topic. Stay tuned for more insight from our blog. If you missed any of the four tips, they can be found on our website blog page.
DeWayne Johnson, PMP (dewayne.johnson@iamabridgebuilder.us) is a Co-Founder and Business Management Consultant with BridgeBuilder Education & Investments, which provides consulting for businesses interested in ways to improve process, strategy, leadership, and staff development. For more information, please visit www.bridgebuilderinvestments.com.
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